Nonton Channel Video Kedokteran Youtube

Banyak sarana belajar yang bisa digunakan d era digital ini. Mulai dari audiobook, kindle ebook, bahkan tutorial dan materi pelajaran atau kuliah yang dibuatkan dalam bentuk video. Nah, bagi teman-teman yang butuh video-video kedokteran, bila kunjungi channel youtube ini. Silakan klik disini

Beberapa Playlist di channel video kedokteran ini :

1. Mechanical Events of Cardiac Cycle
2. Estimating Jugular Venous Pressure
3. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
4. 3D Medical Animation Heart Attack from Atherosclerosis
5. Reflexology
6. Chemical Synaptic Transmission
7. The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
8. Respiration
9. Peristalsis
10. Menstrual Cycle
11. Eritrocyte Flow
12. Endocytosis
13. The Cross Bridge Cycle
14. Counter Current Multiplier
15. Chemotaxis
16. Cardiac Cycle
17. Kussmaul's Breathing
18. Retrograde Wire Intubation
19. The Art of Assisting
20. Suture and Technology
21. Subcuticular Sutures
22. Mattress Suture
23. Interruptured Suture
24. Continuous Suture
25. Action Potential
26. Transmission Synaptic in Muscle
27. Tying At Depth
28. Surgeon Knot
29. Slip Knot
30. Instrument Tied Reef Knot
31. Two Hand Reef Knot
32. One Hand Reef Knot
33. Common Fault Knot
34. Schiatic Nerve Block
35. Inspekulo Examination
36. CVP Installation - Swan Ganz Catheter
37. Neurotransmitters
38. NEJM Pelvic Examination
39. NEJM Parasintesis
40. NEJM Orotracheal Intubation
41. CVP Line By NEJM
42. Chest Tube By NEJM
43. Micro Circulation
44. Lumbar Puncture
45. Intubation Endotracheal
46. Introducing IV Cannula Made Easy
47. Internal Jugular Vein Catheter Insertion
48. How the Body Works The Regions of the Brain
49. Gas Dilution
50. Foley Manometer
51. Examination Larinx and Pharinx
52. ENT General Examination
53. ENT Ear Examination - Otoscopy
54. Emergency Life Support First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 2
55. Emergency Life Support First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 1
56. Combined Spinal or Epidural for Obstetric Anesthesia
57. Chest Tube
58. Central Venous Catheterisation Video
59. Brain surgery in awake patient
60. Awake Craniotomy Surgery With a Smile
61. Anesthesia and Brain Monitoring
62. Alveolar Pressure
63. Airway - Technique
64. Acupuncture Reduces Pain
65. Acupuncture for Pregnancy
67. Others

dan kemungkinan akan masih bertambah terus list-nya. Dengan sarana ini, teman-teman bisa belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja (yang penting mau dan ada koneksi internet...he...he...). Tunggu apalagi. Nonton Videonya disini.

Malas nonton nya secara online ??? Sekarang video youtube sudah bisa di download. Gimana caranya ??? Silakan baca disini

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